
Many people don’t understand how deep the pain of losing a pet is.
The pain can be quite unbearable.

Do you know someone who lost a pet?
For me yes!

My friend Steve recently lost his beloved cat and he felt totally lost .

This post is dedicated to him and all the animal lovers who consider their pets as their family members and not just as a pet.

If you have lost a pet and people around you cannot understand how you feel and that is more difficult for you.
The people who cant understand will keep asking you like , ‘ Why don’t you go and get another ? or
“ Oh , its been a month already!
(Just another saying that, c’mon you ‘v got to stop mourning, its enough “.)

For those people, please pity to them cause they never had the kind of strong bond that you had with your pet.
They have no idea what kind of losers are they as they never felt the beautiful love?

But believe me, there are others who can understand you.

But for the people who are trying to help your friend who lost his or her pets, I have some suggestions.

Never ever ask them to get another one.
If someone lost their family members, did you ever ask them to find another one?
I believed nobody suggest to like that. Just like human being, our pets are individuals to us. They may be the same for the other people, but actually they have totally different personalities of their own. They are not like another cats or dogs.
We cannot substitute them in our life. So never ever suggest them to get another one.

Let them talk about their pets.
Just listen to their sweet memories even if you didn’t know their pets.
Share the join and pain with them if they what to share with you.
Don’t tell them its enough.

For us, losing a pet is just like losing the family members.
We keep on walking, living but we cannot stop missing them.
Inside our home we can still feel their figures, voices and all.

What person is always happy to see you always, no matter what?
Our pets don’t care how we look or how you dressed.
They don’t care we are poor or rich .
They always want nothing but our happiness.
They always tried to cheer us up .
Every time you come home you can feel the great joy when you see their greetings.
Their love is unconditional.

Our furry companions never leave us.
They always depend on us for the care and give back their love to us.
They repay our cares to them with their precious love.
Of course you can get another pet but can’t replace the other.
Never ashamed to grief the lost of your beloved pet .
No matter how long it will take. Go ahead and grief.
Give yourself enough time to grief.
It may take you a year to overcome but who to care?
It’s because you love your pet.

Because losing a love one is never been easy, it can be a human or canine or feline or whatever. It will always be so difficult.

You need to stay around with the people who can understand you and try to cure your emotional pain which can be worse than physical pain. You will get over it, but don’t set the time for it.
Try to go on and eventually you will get over it.

(Image from Google )

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